Last year, we started a “happy hour” tradition with some friends in our neighborhood. We do this one Sunday evening each month, and we take turns hosting. Everyone brings a dish to share and we hang out from about 4-6 pm while kids play in the yard. It’s a “more the merrier” event, and we use it as an opportunity to get to know new people around the neighborhood. After Christmas, one of my friends sent out a text because we hadn’t yet lined up our spring dates and houses. We usually plan out...
about 2 months ago • 5 min read
Over Christmas break, I read The Boys of Winter, which highlights the 1980 American hockey team that beat the Soviets and won the Olympic Gold medal. (This is not an endorsement of the book — it was pretty boring unless you LOVE hockey. Watch Miracle on Ice instead.) However, the story takes place during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, and the late President died in December, as I was reading the book. The Boys of Winter was not overtly political. It briefly discussed how during the opening...
2 months ago • 5 min read
Way back when I was in high school, a new student group started on campus, “Diversity Club.” I was invited to the inaugural meeting. I remember sitting in a circle of chairs in the cafeteria and listening to someone talk about how this club would help us recognize and respect students from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. I never went to the club again, probably because I was busy and, frankly, it was rather boring, but I still think about that half hour in the lunch room...
3 months ago • 4 min read
I have long believed that one cannot and should not violate his or her conscience in voting. If you sincerely cannot support a certain candidate, even if you agree with most of their policy issues, you should not vote against your conscience. The Bible is clear: Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). You should not take a vaccine, play a sport, attend a school or church, hang out with a friend, take a job, or have a drink if something deep within your heart says “This is...
5 months ago • 3 min read
Liberals have built their current party on wide-sweeping “get out the vote” efforts for the past two decades. Even before social media became our main mode of communication, I remember concerted efforts to get young people to vote through local events, TV commercials, or blogging and email campaigns. I caught onto the game pretty quickly. Liberals thought that if they could simply get enough young, uneducated, illogical people to vote, they would win. They bet on the odds that if they could...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Imagine this... You spend a year and a half with your oldest daughter poring over websites and visiting campuses in search of the right college for her. You want a nice Christian college where she will make great friends, learn from godly professors, and grow in her faith. The admissions counselors on the campus tours are engaging and friendly. They show you shiny dorms, talk to you about Jesus and intramural sports, and even take you to chapel where students are worshiping, hands raised. It...
5 months ago • 2 min read
About a week ago, my girls and I were unloading groceries from our minivan around 5 pm. I was trying to hustle and get dinner started, so I was unprepared when a group of people walked up onto our driveway. They were a canvassing group, “Latinos for Blue” or something like that. With my children running around beside me, the gentleman in the group handed me a flyer. He told me they were out in support of Kamala Harris for president, Ruben Gallego for senate, and as he flipped to the back of...
5 months ago • 4 min read
I want to start a regular column where I do a rhetorical analysis of something I’ve read (or watched) by breaking it apart and showing why it’s in error. As I was researching for The College Guide, I stumbled upon an article written by Dr. Bryan Loritts, a prominent black pastor. The piece is called "On Color-blindness: A Quick Response to a Well-Intentioned White Brother." Dr. Loritts's ethnicity is important only because he says the color of his skin is “a significant part” of who he is and...
6 months ago • 2 min read
A few years ago, I went with my kids to tour a K-12 Christian school that we were considering for our family. I struck up a conversation with the principal and accidentally got myself a job offer to teach Honors/Dual Enrollment English in the high school while my girls patiently played with legos in the corner of the office. I had been out of the high school classroom for over a decade at this point, but I liked the principal and the other English teachers at this school and agreed to sit in...
10 months ago • 9 min read